10 Heart Stopping Facts About Your Healthcare Practice’s Online Reputation
Doctors and practice managers know that their patients are online and that reviews can affect the business. Afterall, 85% of doctors say that they proactively check online reviews about themselves.
That’s great but, you need to go one step further. The most important thing about online reviews isn’t mitigating the bad ones, it’s solicitation.
Only 10% of patients will actually leave a review for their doctor online so it’s important to develop a plan to encourage them to share their experiences online.
Negative reviews can only hurt you if you’re not counteracting them with an overwhelming number of positive reviews. Potential patients are more likely to trust you when they see both good and bad especially if you make an effort to interact with them.
And that’s the key – don’t just look at your reviews, be personable and find ways to get more of them because the online health of your practice depends on it.
Check out the infographic below for the 10 Heart Stopping Facts About Your Healthcare Practice’s Online Reputation.
Potential patients are more likely to trust you when they see both good and bad
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Using modern marketing techniques, Indimedo helped independent health practices, hospitals, and drug companies across the US get more new patients.
Using modern marketing techniques, Indimedo helped independent health practices, hospitals, and drug companies across the US get more new patients.
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