Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
Data aggregation and healthcare technology integration dominated the conversation at HIMSS 2017 amongst both the attendees and the presenters. Although many sessions focused on other topics, speakers were often steered into discussing health tech integration and data utilization.
The findings during HIMSS 2017 show that, although providers are committed to value-based healthcare, many hospital CIOs and CMOs acknowledge that their current systems are not prepared to handle the shift to value-based payment models.
In particular, existing hospital technologies often do not have the capability to aggregate the vast amounts of disparate data (from varied locations and systems) required for reporting.
In recent news, “Accenture researchers project that healthcare organizations can save a collective $60 billion by making strategic investments in digital technologies.” These technologies, whether provided by an EHR system or a separate vendor, allow organizations to extract the information needed to both accurately report for pay-for-performance programs and improve overall quality and performance.
Specific examples include using actionable analytics to proactively manage population health and value-based care initiatives and the ability to share this information among all participating entities.
The SpectraMedix eMeasures360™ Platform has the capability and flexibility to integrate with multiple, disparate systems to seamlessly aggregate data. The platform is optimized to gather, structure, and analyze large amounts of data.
This data feeds downstream measures reporting, hospital analytics, and operational improvement solutions that deliver critical insights for health systems, provider organizations and payers to utilize in implementing both standard and unique value-based care initiatives.
Did you attend HIMSS 2017? Let me know what you found interesting in the comments below.
Critical insights for health systems can be gleaned from this information, which is used in downstream measures reporting, hospital analytics, and operational improvement solutions.
عامل تركيب أثاث إيكيا هو فرد مهني مؤهل يتخصص في تجميع وتركيب المفروشات والأثاث المباع في متاجر إيكيا. هذا العامل يلعب دورًا حيويًا في توفير تجربة استخدام مريحة ومرضية للعملاء، حيث يقوم بتحويل الأجزاء المفصولة إلى قطع أثاث جاهزة للاستخدام. يتطلب هذا الدور مهارات فنية ودقة عالية في العمل، بالإضافة إلى فهم جيد للتعليمات والرسومات المرفقة مع منتجات إيكيا. كما يجب على عامل تركيب أثاث إيكيا أن يكون قادرًا على التعامل مع مجموعة متنوعة من الأدوات والمعدات اللازمة للتركيب. من خلال جعل عملية تركيب الأثاث أسهل للزبائن، يسهم هؤلاء المحترفون في تعزيز سمعة إيكيا وزيادة رضا العملاء.
Great stuff to read. Thanks for posting it here. I will check for more.