My friend Joe sent me this infographic on how to save on medical waste disposal. Since I deal with so many medical practices he thought it may be of interest to me (and my readers!) so I am sharing it with you today.
As the cost of medical waste disposal is already skyrocketing based on population growth plus an increase of aging patients receiving more and more medical treatments, many practices and other healthcare facilities are looking for ways to cut costs.
With all the overhead you already have in your medical practice, being able to save on every little thing counts and knowing where and how to cut costs is a huge business advantage.
There are several factors that account for the actual cost of disposing medical waste, including location, volume and frequency. Knowing that these variables exist will help you figure out how to negotiate with medical waste disposal companies for a fair price.
Let me know if this info was helpful. Leave me a comment below.
How to Save on Medical Waste Disposal – An infographic by the team at MedPro Waste Disposal
Hi Manny,
I found this article really helpful in understanding how healthcare facilities can save on medical waste disposal costs. Your tips on negotiating with providers based on volume and frequency make a lot of sense. Do you think there are any additional strategies or technologies on the horizon that could further reduce costs in this area, especially for smaller clinics with limited resources? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts!
Thanks for sharing these insights!
مكافحة الحشرات هي عملية مهمة للحفاظ على صحة ونظافة المنزل والبيئة المحيطة. تشمل هذه الحشرات القلاع، الصراصير، النمل، البق، وغيرها. تتضمن الطرق الفعالة لمكافحة الحشرات استخدام المبيدات الحشرية والتنظيف الجيد وإصلاح أي فتحات أو مداخل تسمح للحشرات بالدخول إلى المنزل. كما ينصح بالتخلص من الفضلات والأطعمة المتبقية بشكل منتظم وعدم تركها مكشوفة، حيث تجذب الحشرات. ويجب العمل بشكل دوري على مكافحة الحشرات للحفاظ على بيئة نظيفة وصحية لك ولعائلتك.
I found it interesting when you said that the cost of disposing biohazardous waste depends on the location, volume and frequency of the waste. My aunt owns a clinic and wants to dispose of some biohazardous waste and equipment. Thanks for the article on how to save money on medical waste and I will surely share this article with my aunt!
Well hiring waste management company in USA would be the right choice for you as they provide waste disposal services which are more needed in medical industry although there are various waste remediation services too which you need to know before hiring waste management company.
Riley, that tip is so important! Needles are such a risk factor and need to be handled appropriately. Glad you will be using the proper storage methods.
This is cool and helpful information. I’m glad that you just shared this useful info with us. My opinion, reduction of Hazardous waste generated by hospitals should be done by appropriate and safe handling and disposal of medical waste.
Thanks for your feedback, Jessica. We agree that it is so important to safely handle hazardous medical waste. Glad we could provide helpful info for you.
It’s interesting that you talked about putting all needles in a container that can’t be punctured. I am going to start giving myself a shot every day. I’ll have to be sure to keep my needles stored and disposed of safely. That way, I won’t be risking anyone else’s health.
The proper biohazard disposal and management of biomedical wastes is of paramount importance. In order to combat the hazards of improper disposal of hospital waste certain guidelines have been recommended.