Trust and Ease of Use are Key
If you think patients aren’t researching their healthcare options online, think again.
A new study shows just how much patients are relying on the Internet when making healthcare decisions. The sixth annual Makovsky/Kelton “Pulse of Online Search” Survey interviewed 1,035 Americans and found that 61 percent look to the web first when trying to identify symptoms of a potential disease or condition.
Let’s look at more findings from the survey.
What Patients Search For
The survey looked at several factors, including patient online search preferences and who they turn to for healthcare guidance.
Patients go online at various points in their healthcare journey. The study found that:
- 60 percent conduct research prior to a doctor’s appointment
- 62 percent research a treatment prescribed by a doctor
- 50 percent explore alternative or holistic solutions
When respondents were asked to identify the first thing they would search for if they had just developed a medical condition, 32 percent said they would search for symptoms. Twenty-nine percent said treatment options would be at the top of their list.
Of those who would look for treatment options first, 68 percent noted it was because they wanted to decide on the best treatment. More than half of the respondents wanted to find out if there was a cure for their disease or condition.
Trust and Ease of Use Matter
Whether patients are in the doctor’s office or online, trusted relationships and easily accessible information matter.
When patients were asked how much they would trust certain sources in regards to medication information, they identified trusting the following either “a good amount” or “completely:”
- Doctor – 95 percent
- Pharmacist – 85 percent
- An article or website like WebMD, Wikipedia, or AARP – 60 percent
- A family member, friend, or contact – 56 percent
- A peer recommendation online (via Facebook, YouTube, message board) – 24 percent
In terms of the most visited website, WebMD ranked the highest at 53 percent. As far as why patients opted to visit WebMD for healthcare information, the responses included:
- 39 percent said it was because the site was trustworthy
- 56 percent said it was easy to use
- 27 percent said it was the first web link that populated during an online search
And with the growing popularity of blogs, patients are looking there for information too. Forty-five percent of patients who read healthcare-related blogs do so because they are easy to use. Thirty-nine percent said blogs contain the information they need to know.
The survey covers much more about patients’ online search habits. Below is an infographic that summarizes the findings nicely as well.
Did these survey results surprise you? Have you seen an increase in patients performing online research? Please tell me in the comments below!
Creating an effective infographic about how patients use online research can involve showcasing various statistics, trends, and insights in a visually engaging way.
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خدمة ابادة الحشرات هي خدمة أساسية للمحافظة على صحة وسلامة المنازل والمكاتب. تعتبر الحشرات مصدرًا مزعجًا ومضرًا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى مشاكل صحية وتلويث البيئة. يشمل الحشرات المشتركة التي تحتاج إلى ابادة الصراصير والنمل والناموس والذباب والقراد والفئران وغيرها. خدمات ابادة الحشرات تقدمها شركات متخصصة تستخدم منتجات وتقنيات آمنة وفعالة للتخلص من هذه الآفة. تتضمن هذه الخدمة تقييمًا دقيقًا لنوع الحشرة ومدى انتشارها، ومن ثم تطبيق معالجات مخصصة للتحكم فيها. ابادة الحشرات ليست مجرد استثمار في راحة البال والصحة، بل أيضًا في الحفاظ على جو جيد ونظيف في المساحات المعيشية والمهنية.
Great information. yes, in recent studies, most of the patients are going for an online search instead of directly going to the Doctor it might be for a doctor appointment or for a doctor information. Recently I have gone through a website Zoylo where we can search doctors with their names or with specialty which shows nearby doctor of your query.